station identification

英 [ˈsteɪʃn aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˈsteɪʃn aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

网络  地理位置



  1. In this case, again, no station identification announcement has been heard or understood.
  2. We pause for station identification; let's break for lunch.
  3. They will instead be escorted to a police station and asked to remove the veil there for identification.
  4. At the Beijing South Railway Station, which offers only high speed trains, passengers can purchase tickets at68 windows after showing government approved identification.
  5. The power house of Hongshi Hydropower Station is taken as an real example and the FEM model is established for the vibration identification and the optimal design of sensor placement.
  6. The mobile station of automatic vehicle identification ( AVI) system features its mobility and quick automatic identification of vehicles. It suits to be exploited in many applications in monitoring and management of city traffic.
  7. Hydraulic Power Station Dynamic System Models Identification
  8. It can receive information by wireless communication between electronic identification plate and base station which is used to monitor traffic, when vehicles are installed electronic identification plate.
  9. Computer Management of Expressway Toll Station based on Mode Identification
  10. Methods, characteristics, and experiment schemes of hydraulic power station dynamic system models identification have been firstly researched in this thesis. Then, applications of Least square algorithms, Genetic algorithm, and Pattern search algorithm to hydraulic power station dynamic system models identification have been researched.
  11. Methods Guided by the theory of sequence stratigraphy and others, use the following techniques: LANDMARK work station, GEOPROBE lithological trap identification, reservoir predication and so on.
  12. On the station level, through the solution of in-line non-linear bounded identification problem of parallel running pumps, the self-adapting control of the pump station is realized.
  13. Because the subway station guest flow is large, strong liquidity, in order to make people safe, rapid, accurate identification of traffic information, you need to have a systematic, standardized and optimized oriented identification system language to achieve.
  14. Based on measured data from the Ningbo station temporary railway bridge monitoring system, the application of the GA to modal parameter identification in engineering application is studied.
  15. Control work station can make an accurate assessment of work load and the imaging quality; outfield flight test technology model is set up; plan guidance to identification test.
  16. Secondly, this paper combines the former two chapters, presents the four processes of the gas station project construction risk control, namely identification, assessment, response and monitoring, and specifies instructions for each process.